Engine Maintenance

In most industries the maintenance or repair of the motors is done only when the production permits, or when the state of the equipment is so precarious that it impedes the operation. Proper maintenance means saving electricity and it is more convenient not to happen to reduce the engine life as well as high expenses. It is best to always have a Corrective and Preventive Maintenance Program.

The ambient temperature control and ventilation are very important, as the ventilation of the motors must be correct, avoiding overheating; Care of the installation site https://www.mrosupply.com/electrical/plugs-and-receptacles/locking-receptacles/1025350_hbl7467_hubbell-wiring/ of the motor, allowing free circulation of air; Checking the ventilation flaps of the self-ventilating motors and Checking the ventilation holes. It should also be remembered that engine insulation is rated at an operating temperature of 400 °. Some guidelines for proper maintenance are: Correct attachment, alignment and elimination of vibrations; Proper lubrication of bearings and replacement of bearings; Verification of windings; Monitoring of electrical parameters; Modifications of the machines with the introduction of modernization elements at low cost; Replacement of older machines with more modern machines.