Italian authentic restaurant

As a chef who linked my career to “authentic” Italian cuisine, proud to know what is right
Italian and what is not, I was impressed and intrigued by what the Italians make of them.
Years ago in Puglia I ate in a small restaurant that boasted everything that came from the
back garden or farm on the way. The various cheeses we ate were described as yesterday’s
cheese and cheese from last month. But when I returned the next day to cook with them, I
was surprised to find them happy when they used Kraft singles in their Parmesan eggplant.
Alpharetta ga the best italians restaurants
I thought I heard wrong or not, but no, they actually used Kraft singles without any feeling of
ruining the authenticity of their food.
I recently had an Italian chef in the kitchen who asked Worcestershire and Tabasco to have
tomato sauce. Is it inauthtic? Or do you simply adapt in the same way that people have
adapted new products, such as corn, to their traditional dishes of grain porridge made from
millet, barley or farro? Do I really care if someone spreads to fried artichokes? Actually, it looks